In order to reach more areas of our community and bring the sounds of live guitar music to them, we are offering our guitar community an opportunity to turn their home into a concert venue and enjoy live guitar music in their own home. This is how it works: Potential hosts communicate their desire to host a house concert and for how many people. AGC President communicates with the hosts about choosing a date and putting it on the house concert calendar. He then solicits performers from the AGC Board of Directors members, their students or guests. Typically, the list of performers includes a mix of enthusiastic guitar students, amateurs, and professionals. The performances are typically one hour long and a reception follows. All guests are asked to bring something for the reception. Aguado Guitar Concerts Board members have hosted house concerts for years and they have been very pleasant and enjoyable experience for all involved.
To help you plan your house concert, we put together answers to some questions you might have.
Is it unusual to host a house concert?
Not at all. This tradition dates back to the 19th Century and was a very popular way to enjoy live musical performances. Even today, many people host house concert and even run concert series at their homes.
How do I know if my home is suitable to host a house concert?
If your home can accommodate 10 to 20 guests and if they can sit or stand and be able to see the performance, your place is suitable. You need to provide one or two regular chairs for the performers. It would be also useful to have an area or room where guitar cases can be stored during the concert. You will also need an area like the kitchen to serve the food and drinks for the reception.
Who will be coming to my home?
It will be members of AGC board of directors, their students, guests, or family members.
Can I invite my own guests to the house concert?
Absolutely, we just need to know how many people we can invite.
What do I need to provide for the reception?
You can offer a dish if you wish to do so. Other people will bring finger foods ready to eat. Party plates, utensils, and cups would be useful. Consumption of wine or beer is at the host’s discretion.
What if I schedule a house concert and have to cancel?
We would simply have to skip that month, but no hard feelings. Things can happen. We could look at re-scheduling.
When should I sing up for?
It takes about a month to plan and advertise the house concert; therefore, it would be desirable to sign up at least a month in advance.
How often can I host?
One can host as many house concerts as they’d like, as frequently as every other month to give other people a chance to host.
House concerts are monthly events that are great opportunities for the guitar community of Northern Virginia to come together and share in the joy of performing and listening to the guitar. The concerts are hosted at the homes of various patrons throughout our area. Participants are encouraged to perform a piece on the guitar and to bring something for the reception.
Sign up to be notified about upcoming events.
From a recent House Concert.